EncoderCAT - JTAG programmer - minimising the cost
A JTAG programmer device is needed to program the ATxmega192A3 using Atmel Sudio 7.
I have two Atmel JTAGICE USB programmers. These work fine but are no longer available.
Atmel's current programmers are available from Farnell, see http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1835727.pdf
The ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC programmer / debugger has case and cables and costs £73.56 +VAT
A lower cost option is the ATATMEL-ICE-PCBA which costs £41.12 + VAT.
This is supplied as just the PCB (no cables, no case).
In order to be able to recommend a cheaper option for EncoderCAT, I purchased an ATATMEL-ICE-BASIC..
The PC USB cable is a standard micro USB cable as used on mobile phones etc.
I made up a programming cable as shown below.
The ATATMEL_ICE JTAG connector is a 1.27mm 2 x 5 way IDC header.
EncoderCAT's JTAG connector is a 2.54mm 2 x 5 way IDC header.
The two connectors have identical pin layouts.
I made up a cable as follows:
This is shown below - and works fine.
I can supply short lengths of 0.635mm pitch cable with the PCB. (The only UK supply that I found was 30m reels)
The complete ATATMEL-ICE PCB in a box is shown below.
USB connection is a familiar micro USB B (and powers the unit)